Peach Bourbon Ricotta Cake
Life is often a test of patience. We have to wait for everything. When we’re young, we have to wait to grow up, wait to get a drivers license, wait till we’re 21, and for us ladies we gotta wait in line just to pee! So believe that teaching our kids patience is pretty important for them to lead a happy life. If they learn patience while their still young, life wouldn’t as hard or disappointing. Don’t get me wrong, teaching young children patience takes…well…patience. But it can be done. I’ve found that the best way is to explain to them what will happen, so that they are mentally prepared to wait. I’ve noticed a lot of times when kids whine and act out, it’s because they don’t know or understand the process. It seems like things take forever because to them it does! When waiting seems endless, you feel hopeless and frustrated. But when things can be explained to them in a way that can prepare them for waiting, they feel more in control.
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